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Saturday, March 1, 2014

I am what I am because of who we all are . . . .

Earlier today, I took the time to view several videos about the NWO and the genesis and stranglehold of the Illuminati that is continuing. I later read a powerful message posted on Facebook about the horrific tragedies that are imposed [and continue unabated] here on US soil.

In the last year, I have mindfully shifted my priorities and embrace Ubuntu consciousness as a way of life that can (and does) make a significant and empowering difference in the quality of how we can mindfully choose to live our lives.

It is with great humility and gratitude that I share this page on behalf of those who dare to believe in truth and the right to stand up and be counted in voicing what we feel in our hearts [most especially about the wholly unnecessary injustices imposed by the few on the many who do NOT deserve to be tyrannized for any reason whatsoever, for any reason whatsoever. When we have the opportunity to effect change, there is clearly NO evidence that would support a NWO that is nothing more than an unconscionable continuation of the 'order' as it is.

Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
March 1, 2014