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Monday, July 28, 2014

Phil Bryant, Asshole of the Day for July 28, 2014

by TeaPartyCat (Follow @TeaPartyCat)
Two years ago the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, but ruled that the Medicaid expansion must be optional for states. Even though the federal government picks up almost the entire tab for the Medicaid expansion, many Republican-controlled states have refused to take it, thus leading to 5,000,000 people going without coverage who would otherwise qualify.
And now we have Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant blaming Obama for the uninsured in his state:
If statistics show that the ill-conceived and so-called Affordable Care Act is resulting in higher rates of uninsured people in Mississippi, I’d say that’s yet another example of a broken promise from Barack Obama.
Bryant and his state refused the Medicaid expansion. Had he accepted it, 137,800 more people would be covered. And yet Bryant is blaming Obama for these people going without insurance. But of course he does, and for that, he is Asshole of the Day.
It is Phil Bryant’s first time as Asshole of the Day.
Full story: Talking Points Memo

Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
July 28, 2014