If you want to see the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision overturned, you won’t believe what just happened.
Last week, a key Senate committee referred a constitutional amendment giving Congress the power to reverse Citizens United to the full Senate for a vote.
Now, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has filed that same constitutional amendment with the House of Representatives -- and it already has 103 co-sponsors!
Will you sign a petition telling Congress to pass this amendment and send it to the states for ratification.
The key to this amendment is its simplicity. Instead of trying to fix everything wrong with campaign finance at the constitutional level, it restores authority Congress always had -- until the Supreme Court stripped it away (the Roberts court has little regard of the U.S. Congress; perhaps even a loathing).
The amendment would specifically authorize Congress and the states to regulate the raising and spending of money in elections.
We should be under no illusion that getting this amendment enacted will happen quickly or be easy. There are many in Congress, in both parties, who benefit from the status quo.
But that is exactly why this is important. If we can't get this done because the wrong people are in Congress, then we need to change the people in Congress.
This amendment will give us the opportunity to get every candidate running for office on record as to whose voice should count the most -- a handful of billionaires or the voices of everyday Americans.http://act.boldprogressives.org/survey/survey_udall_amendment/?akid=20486.1521319.7Xirdr&rd=1&source=e3-NN-cleanup&t=2
Sign the petition today and help us hold every politician accountable for fixing our campaign finance system -- or standing in the way.
Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
July 18, 2014