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Thursday, July 31, 2014

AOTD 07.31.14 | John Boehner..

John Boehner, Asshole of the Day for July 31, 2014

by TeaPartyCat ()
There’s a crisis at the border. The House GOP has been working on a bill for weeks. But then today they pulled it after it became clear it didn’t have the votes to pass.

And then John Boehner and the leadership released this statement/a>:
This situation shows the intense concern within our conference – and among the American people – about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the president’s refusal to faithfully execute our laws. There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries. For the past month, the House has been engaged in intensive efforts to pass legislation that would compel the president to do his job and ensure it can be done as quickly and compassionately as possible. Through an inclusive process, a border bill was built by listening to members and the American people that has the support not just of a majority of the majority in the House, but most of the House Republican Conference. We will continue to work on solutions to the border crisis and other challenges facing our country.
Let me summarize this for you:
  1. Obama can solve this with unilateral action
  2. But we worked on a bill to solve it for a month anyways
  3. We can’t agree on how to solve it
  4. But we still expect Obama to solve it, even though we can’t agree on a plan
  5. We’ll blame him if he doesn’t solve it unilaterally
  6. Oh, and we’re still suing Obama for his unilateral action on Obamacare
  7. See you in 5 weeks after our vacation!
Or more simply you might summarize it as:
We won’t let our vacation get canceled just because 50,000 refugee kids need help. That’s Obama’s problem.
And I’m not exaggerating here. By 3PM congressman had already begun leaving town. The same congressmen who spent yesterday voting on Boehner’s plan to sue the president for taking unilateral action on Obamacare.

So, for suing Obama yesterday for taking unilateral action, and then saying Obama should solve the border crisis through unilateral action today, John Boehner is Asshole of the Day.

It is John Boehner's 11th time as Asshole of the Day.
Full story: Talking Points Memo

Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
July 31, 2014