[Shared from You Tube] | Uploaded on 25 Dec 2010
3 Hour Documentary explaining a portion of the information about media censorship, consolidation and propaganda. Please check links for more information.
Walter Lippmann (Public Opinion) - Full Book Link @ http://xroads.virginia.edu/~Hyper2/CD...
Chapter VII. Stereotypes As Defense - http://xroads.virginia.edu/%7EHyper2/...
Chapter VIII. Blind Spots And Their Value - http://xroads.virginia.edu/%7EHyper2/...
Adorno and Horkheimer - The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception (1944)
The predictions in this essay are stunningly accurate @
Edward Bernays - Propaganda (1928) only 150 pages - http://www.scribd.com/doc/4057578/Pro...
When Corporations Rule the World - David C. Korten (One of the best reads ever)
News: The Politics of Illusion - W. Lance Bennett (One of the best media
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
[Shared from You Tube] | Uploaded on 27 Jul 2011
A glimpse at the prophetic fulfillment of various statements made by prominent authors, news media, academic sources and scripture. The genetic manipulation is akin to sorcery and witchcraft which is all sanctioned and endorsed by the apostate system of Rome. In the meantime while all this is going on the United States is slowly grasping the hands of Rome and engaging in Spiritualism. What are the implications of these things for humanity? Will this lead towards the theocratic monopoly of power spoken about in Revelation 13 and other scriptures? Find out here.
Special thanks to the contributers of this documentary.
Alan Wyatt
Testimony to the Churches
Edited By Rick Depths
This documentary is for the sole purpose of educating the public. Thus it falls in line with Section 107 of the Fair Usage Laws.
The creator of this film is exempt from any legal ramifications for such truthful content..
The truth doesn't fear investigation
[Shared from You Tube] Uploaded on 3 Apr 2011
This documentary about stupidity tells us the history of the word "moron", the difference between stupid, moron, smart, intelligent, genius and questions the regular practice of classifying peoples intelligence through standardized IQ tests. Of course also Mr. Bush is examined in this report. A well educated guy who, nevertheless, acts in a completely dumb way -- or at least wants us to believe so.
Albert Einstein said:
"Only two things are infinite the universe and stupidity, and I am not sure about the former."
Weary of Wonderland
August 3, 2014