How the World Sees a Drug Addict | Henry Harbor
Reading this article is, for me anyway, a humbling experience of an altogether different kind [that brings to mind this humbling thought -- "There but for the grace of God . . ."].
My awareness has been both enhanced and enriched. I have an opportunity to become more compassionate and forgiving . . . . I was initially devastated reading about Hoffman's premature death, but realized my grieving for him had shifted when I learned he was the father of three children [very young children].
I then became angry about what seemed to me Hoffman's thoughtless behavior and began to distance myself from my grief. This article is most amazing in how it has helped me bridge the growing chasm within my heart.
I once again sit with my grief, albeit from a different, broadened perspective. . . . and so it is.
Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
February 6, 2014