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Friday, June 6, 2014

A whimsical remembrance

Remember when? We thought all we had to do was close our eyes, think "I believe," make a wish by blowing on a dandelion and then watch its little seeds scatter to the four winds. Voila -- before you could blink twice, you were convinced your wish would come true.

Much, much later, as we grew older, we may have become fortunate enough to realize the whimsical magic never fully disappears -- not really.

We have always had the power within us if we simply believe. All we must do is stop long enough to listen within the sacred silence of ourselves.

We will then know . . . just know . . . that sometimes, yes sometimes, wishes DO come true. 

Perhaps; just perhaps.

Stephanie Doty
Weary of Wonderland
June 6, 2014